Monday, September 13, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


(n.) An arranged meeting between two people where one or both in unclear if it is a 'date'. An ambigudate is normally associated with large quantities of fret.
"Ugh! I'm thinking of wearing that great perfume but if what if he doesn't think it's a date? Do you think I should wear my jeans instead? Do you think I'm sending the wrong message? Oh, I hate going on ambigudates"

Thursday, July 29, 2010


(n.) Emotionally reliving something irksome from the past at the same or greater level of anger and frustration.
"I just thought of those horrible 10 minutes I spent watching The Cat in the Hat movie and now I'm totally repeeved!"

Saturday, July 10, 2010


(n). Political affiliation based on practicality, common sense, reason, and thoughtfulness--not political party.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


(v) past tense of 'subscribe' for YouTubers.
"I just subscrobe to WheezyWaiter! It's Splozie!"

Thursday, April 29, 2010


in-san-i-tey-shuh n | (n)
  • Obsessive cleanliness by one unencumbered by mental stability.
    "Doctor, she graduated to insanitation! Today I caught her sterilizing the can of Lysol"

Thursday, April 8, 2010


(n) one who is inept with gadgetry, especially items made by Apple.
"I spent 2 hours trying to help him with his playlist. He's such an iTard"

Sunday, January 24, 2010


  • (v) the act of being informed that you are to perform a task someone else volunteered for (esp. a spouse).
    "My wife originally offered to give this talk but since she's on bed-rest she voluntold me to do it."
    (author unknown - contributed by Rexine Rowley) 

Saturday, January 23, 2010


  • (n) The dome of fragrance that seems to surround someone who over-spritzes.
    (contributed by Chris Golden)


  • (v) [dilt, dilting, dilted] The act of accidentally stabbing your spouse in the foot with your toenail whilst in bed.
    "Ouch! You just dilted me again. I wish you'd trim those toenails!"
  • (n) The mark left in your spouse's foot after accidentally dilting him/her.
    (contributed by Joy Sterrantino)

Panache Hole

Panache Hole: | pəˈnä sh, hōl | (n)
  1. a storage cellar for Vegas show costumes
  2. an unlikeable person with style and flamboyance
    "That guy's a real jerk. But you have to admit he does have style. What a panache hole!"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Splozie (The Word and the Blog) Defined

Splozie [splō'zē]: (adj.)
  • (of entertainment, esp. film): characterized by pyrotechnics, fireballs, and explosions; never cerebral, substantive or gritty; generally with a 'pretty boy' in the lead role. "That Sahara movie with Matthew McConaughey was splozie!"
The Splozie Blog is a space dedicated to invented, portmanteau, and that-oughta-be-a-word! words.